viernes, 15 de julio de 2016

"Stella Maris" - Carmelite Monastery in Israel

Our Lady of Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel

It is a gift to you from your Heavenly Mother. 

- promise of Our Lady to St. Simon Stock on July 16, 1251

Carmelites’ Monastery “Stella Maris”

A Carmelite monastery was founded at the site shortly after the Order itself was created, and was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of “Star of the Sea” (“stella maris” in Latin). 
           During the Crusades the monastery often changed hands, frequently being converted into a mosque under Islamic control the location came to be known as “El-Maharrakah”, meaning “place of burning”, in reference to the account of Elijah's challenge to the priests of Hadad.
In 1799 the building was finally converted into a hospital by Napoleon but in 1821 the surviving structure was destroyed by the pasha of DamascusA new monastery was later constructed directly over a nearby cave, after funds were collected by the Carmelite Order for restoration of the monastery. The cave, which now forms the crypt of the monastic church, is termed “Elijah’s grotto” by the Discalced Carmelite friars who have custody of the monastery.

Entrence of Carmel Monastery

The Cave of Prophet Elijah & Chapel

Cave of Prophet Elijah

According to Carmelite tradition, the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel  was first given to Simon Stock an English Carmelite, by the Blesssed Virgin Mary in July 16, 1251. The Carmelites refer to her under the title “Our Lady of Mount Carmel” in honour of the legend, and celebrate 16 July as her feast day.
I had the privilege of visiting the Holy Land and the place of where Prophet Elijah stayed and encountered the Lord. And also as a Carmelite in the group of priests and sisters, gave the holy scapular to all as a sign of consecration to our Lord. 
Blessing of Scapular and distribution to priests and nuns

Bird's eye view from the Mt. Carmel

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